How To Be a Success: Ordinary Men Living Extraordinary Lives...

1st Anniversary Special! - Our Best Bits - Seth Pinnock, Johnboy Smith, Amani Simpson and Ola Animashawun

S.B. Cole Episode 14

In our 1st Anniversary Episode we're going to do something a little bit different. We are going to have a recap of some of our most popular and powerful episodes!

The Beginning - Seth Pinnock - From Pain to Pursuing Purpose

Seth Pinnock is founder of Midnight Oil Youth Summits, frontman of award-winning gospel group ‘A New Thing’ and Tearfund’s Head of African and Caribbean Engagement. In ‘The Beginning’ section Seth will talk about his youth, the breakdown of his parents' marriage and the impact that had on him...

The Battlefield of the Mind - Johnboy Smith - Paralympic Athlete

Our guest is Johnboy Smith, Paralympic Athlete, UK No.1 and Commonwealth Games Silver Medallist in the Wheelchair Marathon. In ‘The Battlefield of the Mind’ section Johnboy tells us the dramatic story of how he was originally injured and how his time at Stoke Mandeville National Spinal Injuries Centre was the making of him...

The Mountaintop - Amani Simpson - Award-winning Social Entrepreneur and Filmmaker

Amani Simpson is an award-winning social entrepreneur, filmmaker and youth activist. At the age of 21, he was stabbed 7 times after intervening in a robbery attempt. He has since produced a powerful Youtube short film 'AMANI' starring Hollywood actor Joivan Wade which has had over 2 and a half million views. In ‘The Mountain Top’ section Amani reveals what the greatest moment of his life has been (and his answer is surprising to say the least…)

The Things I Wish I’d Known - Ola Animashawun - A Truly Self-Made Man

Ola Animashawun is the man responsible for countless black plays being produced in the UK and around the world. He is Creative Director of playwriting consultancy ‘Euphoric Ink’, founder of the Royal Court Theatre’s famous Young Writers Programme and has been described as ‘the Royal Court Theatre’s Secret weapon’. In ‘The Things I Wish I’d Known’ section Ola tells us about the determination that was born out of his chaotic childhood in foster care and the best advice he has ever been given!



Church hurt

Rejection and abuse

Craving father figures




Mental health

The Stabbing

Unlocking Your Purpose

This Is About Saving Lives…



Keep Your Focus!!!

You Can Be Anything You Want to Be!


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Johnboy Smith on Facebook
Johnboy Smith Website

Aviard Inspires
Amani Short Film

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Euphoric Ink

Captain Sensible – Happy Talk


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