How To Be a Success: Ordinary Men Living Extraordinary Lives...

Amani Simpson - Award-winning Social Entrepreneur and Filmmaker

S.B. Cole Episode 10

Amani Simpson is an award-winning social entrepreneur, filmmaker and youth activist. At the age of 21, he was stabbed 7 times after intervening in a robbery attempt. He has since produced a powerful Youtube short film 'AMANI' starring Hollywood actor Joivan Wade which has had over 2 and a half million views. In ‘The Beginning’ section, Amani tells us how traumatic experiences in primary school and his attempts to fit in spiralled into him becoming a complete terror at school. In ‘The Battlefield of the Mind’, Amani tells us how the ‘compound effect’ of his poor choices and defeatist mindset led to him being expelled from school and how he finally hit rock bottom and COMPLETELY turned his life around! In ‘The Mountain Top’, Amani reveals what the greatest moment of his life has been (and his answer is surprising to say the least…) In ‘The Things I Wish I’d Known’, Amani tells us about his mission in life and what he fed his mind to become the man he is today.





Survival Mode



The Streets Sucked Me In


County Lines 

Drug Dealing

I Made the Decision to Change


The Stabbing

Unlocking Your Purpose

Mentoring Young People


Amplify Positive Themes

Small Good Choices Everyday

The Importance of the People Around You


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The Good Man Audiobook

The Good Man on



Aviard Inspires

Amani Short Film

Amani Simpson Facebook

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy


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